Kamala Harris Arrested, Perp Walked and Prosecuted This Black Mother Who Did Nothing Wrong... Then Lied About It
Harris' far-left record as San Francisco D.A. was worse than you think...
A whistleblower came forward recently claiming Kamala Harris got ABC not to ask her any questions about her record as a local and state prosecutor in her recent debate with President Donald Trump.
Kamala Harris regularly touts her experience as a District Attorney of San Francisco, where she served from 2004 to 2011 and as California Attorney General to demonstrate her law enforcement credentials, as the Democrat Party lunges back toward normalcy after nearly a decade of openly embracing left-wing radicalism.
Perusing through Harris’ actual record tells a different story…
Harris was one of the original architects of the criminal justice policy that has turned the rule of law inside out, as she embodied the warped priorities of the Black Lives Matter movement long before BLM was cool.
Bar far the greatest miscarriage of justice by Kamala Harris was her prosecution of Cheree Peoples, a Black woman whose daughter, Shayla suffered from a debilitating chronic illness, Sickle Cell Anemia. The disease landed Shayla repeatedly in the hospital to receive blood transfusions and emergency medical care to manage her pain. All of Shayla's absences were, in fact, excused by her school and buttressed with ample documentation from Children's Hospital.
None of this mattered to Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris had Cheree Peoples arrested, perp walked and tried for violating a state law holding parents responsible for their child’s absence for school — “truancy.” As Prosecutor Harris had Cheree arrested, handcuffed and perp walked in her pajamas in front of her neighbors and the media who had been tipped off. Outraged by the injustice, Cheree fought the charges in court for the next two years, costing her job and her home. While Harris made her crackdown on these parents of ‘truant” schoolchildren part of her campaign messaging in her race for California Attorney General!
Now living under duress in a motel with her mother Cheree, the 12-year-old Shayla suffered a stroke, resulting in permanent paralysis of her right arm and right leg. Cheree bravely fought the charges and refused to plead guilty. In 2015, prosecutors finally just dropped the case against her. In 2018, the California Supreme Court ruled that Kamala Harris’ policy of arresting parents for truancy was unconstitutional, and Harris’s abusive program was brought to an end.
In 2019, Cheree was stunned to hear the false claim by presidential candidate Harris false claim that “no one was arrested or went to jail for their child’s ‘truancy.’” Cheree knew otherwise.
The abuse of Charee Peoples and her daughter Shayla in stunning short documentary by Filmmaker Joel Gilbert, which is available in full below:
In Oct. 2005, Harris as District Attorney of San Francisco proposed “Operation Safe Streets,” arguing that drug dealers should be allowed to peddle poison on the streets without being charged with a crime. Harris wanted drug dealers to face charges only after they were caught selling drugs for the third time. These soft-on-crime policies pioneered by Harris are what have contributed to the fentanyl and overdose crises nationwide.
“Making narcotics arrests in San Francisco is one of the most dangerous things an officer can do,” said Kevin Cashman, who served as Deputy Chief of San Francisco Police Department (SFPD), in 2005. “We’ve had officers killed in the line of duty attempting to make drug arrests. ‘The D.A. wanted us to release those drug dealers after making narcotics arrests.”
"Kamala Harris was the most liberal and progressive district attorney I worked with in over 30 years in the SFPD," he added.
Harris also protected illegal immigrant drug dealers from prison time. Her “Back on Track” program would take illegal immigrant criminals, expunge their criminal records, give them job training for employment opportunities they were not legally allowed to hold, and place them back into society. One of Harris’ “Back on Track” illegals robbed Amanda Kiefer and then ran her down with an SUV, fracturing her skull.
In perhaps the most tragic instances of malfeasance from D.A. Harris, 48-year-old Tony Bologna and his three sons, 20-year-old Michael, 18-year-old Andrew, and 16-year-old Matthew, were brutally murdered in San Francisco by an MS-13 gang member named Edwin Ramos in June 2008.

Harris’ office refused to prosecute Ramos after pulling him over and finding an illegal gun in his car. Harris then argued for Ramos to not receive the death penalty after murdering three innocent men in blood.
Additionally, Harris refused to seek the death penalty against cop killer David Hill. Hill murdered police officer Isaac Espinoza with an AK-47 rifle in an act of senseless violence. Just three days after his murder, Harris callously stated during a press conference that she would not seek the death penalty.
“She did not call me,” Espinoza’s widow recounted. “I don’t understand why she went on camera to say that without talking to the family. It’s like, you can’t even wait till he’s buried?”
“I felt like she had just taken something from us,” Espinoza’s widow added. “She had just taken justice from us. From Isaac. She was only thinking of herself. I couldn’t understand why. I was in disbelief that she had gone on and already made her decision to not seek the death penalty for my husband.”
Even far-left Senator Dianne Feinstein was shocked by Harris’ decision and criticized her publicly for her actions.
“This is not only the definition of tragedy, it’s the special circumstance called for by the death penalty law,” Feinstein said. Harris lost the endorsement of the San Francisco Police Officers Association permanently after her unconscionable decision.
Harris pushed for pre-trial diversion for criminals who punched and spit on police officers. After stating that “violent people should be held accountable” in 2007, she flip-flopped and decided that counseling or other services would be more appropriate than jail time for criminals who punch cops. And, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, "Police… also challenged Harris over whether she is living up to her promises to get tougher on gun crimes."
Harris was a miserable failure in the courtroom, failing to prosecute a massive percentage of those prosecuted for crimes as she cared more about her political aspirations than enforcing the law. The San Francisco Weekly reported that she secured guilty verdicts in only 53 percent of felony cases in the first quarter of 2010 as she was running for California Attorney General.
From Jan. 2009 to Apr. 2010, Harris gained convictions on only 11 of 20 murder or voluntary manslaughter charges, with the rest being acquitted or taking a lesser charge.
“Part of the effectiveness of a D.A. in a case is a real fear on behalf of the defense bar that the defense will lose,” stated Jim Hammer, former head of the homicide division in the San Francisco D.A.'s office. “If the D.A. is batting .500, it really destroys the effectiveness of the D.A., and it suggests some very deep problem in the office.”
Under Harris' stewardship, alleged gangsters Joc Wilson, Floyd Jackson, and Emon Brown from Visitacion Valley were found not guilty of double murder despite DNA evidence and four eyewitnesses linking them to the crime. DeEbony Smith, who had been implicated in 16 instances of violent behavior by police, was hit with first-degree murder charges after allegedly stabbing her ex-boyfriend during an argument. Smith was acquitted after her attorney claimed she was abused.
65-year-old Leroy Brown stabbed an individual to death who allegedly sold him $10 worth of fake crack. The stabbing was caught on video, but Brown was convicted of involuntary manslaughter after he claimed self-defense. Nicholas Batchelor stabbed an off-duty police officer during a road rage incident. Batchelor was acquitted despite acknowledging he stabbed the cab, stashed the murder weapon in the trunk of his car, and fled the scene because he claimed it was self-defense. These are the fruits of Harris’ social justice philosophy that it is moral and just to coddle lowlifes.
Because of Harris’ weak-on-crime record, police had to perform an "end run around Harris' office by taking several gang-related homicide cases to federal prosecutors." Following her initial election as D.A. in 2004, all violent crime skyrocketed – particularly homicides.
When looking at her D.A. record, it is clear why Harris always defaults to talking points about her non-existent Middle-Class upbringing on the presidential campaign trail when questioned. It is because her actual record would repel any American not fully brainwashed by anti-Trump propaganda.
Kamala Harris is truly a San Francisco Democrat, soft on crime.
God help Harris not to get elected President! This will be the end of our free country.
The laughing hyena is shallow, is under educated, and has no substance for critical thought processes, and certainly does not come from a quality or respectable background. She has played being the victim way too long, her only real success lies there!